Sunday, June 20, 2010

Loyalty, not a one way street

glick has not been happy lately about employees speaking with the other candidates that are running for sheriff. glick's idea of loyalty is best described as the king/serf relationship with glick being the king.

The comments received about the way that employees are treated, based on the view of the administration has been interesting to say the least. More information on that in a later post.

If you say hello to glick, he may say hello back, depending on who you are. Kind of sad when the sheriff does not acknowledge employees on an even basis. glick must really think that no one will call him on it since he is the sheriff.

It is coming back to haunt you, isn't it, danny boy?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

To DWUI or not to DWUI

This post is not about glick recently getting a break for DWUI. That decision is best left to the officer/deputy/trooper who makes the car stop. That is part of officer/deputy/trooper discretion and is part of the job.

What this post is about is a person in an elected position that cannot use the common sense not to drink too much and drive. That is the problem. If someone in a position of trust chooses to drink too much and drive, they are saying one of several things or all of them.

The first is "I am above the law." BS, no one is above the law. Especially if you have taken an oath to uphold the law.

The second is "I won't get caught and if I get caught, I will not get into trouble because of who I am." Again, see #1 and someone has an ego problem.

The third is "No one will get hurt." Ask an officer/deputy/trooper who has worked DWUI and they will tell you the drunk driver rarely gets hurt. Unfortunately it is usually someone else. They will also tell you that drinking drivers do not get caught the first time. Amazing how many times someone can drive DWUI without getting caught or going to jail if caught.

So what does it say about someone who chooses to drink to a point that he cannot safely drive yet does so? Ddg will leave further comments open as to this matter.