Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Waiting to see

it in the local rag, but it appears to not have been either released by the department as an arrest or not published by the wte in their arrest blotter briefs . Which one????? And why???

Seems as though an ex-sheriff (longshanks' mentor) was arrested over the Labor Day weekend by the WHP for DWUI.

It's time to wait and see how this is handled in the Laramie County Court system.

Look for pat to be represented by counsel who will undoubtedly run with the "First time offender deferral" as a disposition. Actually, it will be the first time he was caught and not released. Thanks to WHP for not letting this one go. So maybe his alcohol level was high enough to have him qualify for an inter-lock device. This could be interesting. Stay tuned for further updates.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A belated Thank You

and a career well spent to recently retired Deputy Sheriff Billy Swearingin, Charlie 21.

It seemed like an April Fool's Day joke, but that was the last working day for one of the longest serving (and probably the hardest working) deputy left on the street for Laramie County.

Deputy Swearingin was well known for the casework that he did over the years. If anyone was going to get the off the wall case, it was him. The call would not come in as anything special, but when "Big Top Billy" got done with it, it was a three ring circus. It makes sense when you look at the clowns that he has been working for.

The old story about having his patrol car stolen while he was working, Well yes, but he got it back along with an arrest.
Did he ever threaten to drag someone out a wing window of a car? Only once.
Was he the person that you could trust with your life? Definitely!

Enjoy your well earned retirement. Don't worry about us left here in hell. That too will pass, sooner (but not soon enough) or later.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

You know it would be funny

if it wasn't so stupid. Ddg knows it takes a bit to surpass some of the bright ideas that longshanks has come up with, but this one is worthy of a true Darwin finalist candidate.

Take newly hired deputies without street experience, allow them to negotiate their starting salary, and let them make more at a starting salary than the certified deputies that have been on the street for some time or are training them. Really?????

Why would that get experienced deputies upset? All is well, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who is playing fast and loose with taxpayer money. It's in the budget.

After all, the personnel position is now run by one of the captains. No supervision there. There's not much of a step to a re-elected bumbler that only looks forward to being president of the National Sheriff's Association. Maybe a real sheriff could tell glick that is not how to run a department. No, just buy him another beer.

So now the glickster starts putting out the information that the county commissioners will be approached and see if they will give more taxpayer money for pay increases for the deputies that are now paid less than new hires due to longshanks' action. Ddg is sure that information alone will quell the disgruntled opinions being expressed and keep employees happy, happy, happy.

Look at more deputies that will be looking at leaving, not to mention those that have already left just to get away from the toxic employment that has continued to occur at the Laramie County Sheriff's Department. Remember, every time an experienced deputy (either jail or street) leaves, so does the training (taxpayer dollars) that has been put into them and the law enforcement experience that has accumulated. Some other department gets a well trained and happy to be gone deputy. It should make you (as a taxpayer) wonder why some current employees that are actively looking for law enforcement jobs elsewhere get sent to these high end training schools at taxpayer expense.

Look at the shortages of deputies on the street and in the jail. How many extra overtime hours for patrol/jail is the management up to this month in an attempt to keep a bare minimum number of deputies on the job? Does anyone in management ever consider what too many shift hours for too long a time does to the people who work for you?

Burnout, officer safety, the list can go on. Watch the downward spiral continue. Just forget about the mentality in charge.