Monday, July 28, 2014

More Travel, Less Ideas

"On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again" goes the Willie Nelson song. It could also explain why prior to an election longshanks explains his road trips as "needed."

Seriously, what has been brought back from other agencies that has been implemented that has actually worked? Most of the changes have not been a result of going and seeing what other agencies are doing. Someone else would probably get on the Internet, see what other agencies are doing, follow it up with an email and telephone calls, and voila, it is a done deal. No pesky travelling, drinking beer at county expense, and telling people how good you are. It's a safe bet that glick doesn't even notice when he is being laughed at because he is too full of himself.

You have a real chance to make a difference in the primary election. Look at the candidates, do your homework, and be an educated voter. However if you want to believe what is fed to you by glick and the local media without question, well that is your choice.

Actually some of the recent changes at the department were already suggested by a another candidate for sheriff. Seems as though longshanks paid attention to this candidate's ideas and implemented them as his own. That is easily shown if any local media looked into it ,but "silence-cricket noises-silence" from the local media. They can't really do anything that makes their chosen one look bad, now can they?

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