Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not The Way To Do Things

So, once again, the lack of professionalism under longshanks appears in the response of deputies to a call from the public. Why is this not surprising? No names will be listed as usual.

Coming from the scanner on a domestic disturbance call:
Deputy 1 goes to a call where the female claims the drunk boyfriend beat her up and took two children in his car before leaving the scene.

With that information, Deputy 2 sits outside a possible location for the suspect. Deputy 2 later notifies Deputy 1 that the suspect drove up, got out of the car with the kids, and went inside without even being contacted by Deputy 2.

Hmmmm, what do we have here???? A reported domestic assault, possible drunk driving and child endangerment, but Deputy 2 takes no action. This must be business as usual for this type of lack of law enforcement to take place at all. Unfortunately it actually is presently tolerated and is allowed to pass for law enforcement on a daily basis under the lack of direct supervision and leadership that longshanks has fostered over the last eight years.

Deputy 3  now goes to back up Deputy 2. Later, Deputy 1 asks if the two deputies are speaking with the suspect, something he may have inferred from the radio traffic. Deputy 1 is advised that no such luck, that both Deputies 2 and 3 are both are still sitting outside the suspect's residence. Deputy 1 has to directly ask the two deputies to make contact with the suspect which they finally do. What has happened to doing your job, Deputies 2 and 3?

Deputy 1 later advises Deputy 2 to arrest the suspect and transport him to the jail for Deputy 1 to do the booking paperwork. A normal request that can happen on any given call. Deputy 2 declines, stating that he "did not witness anything." Deputy 1 requests that they stand by with the suspect until Deputy 1 arrives and arrests the suspect. This they do, although it is hard to believe they took that action given their lack of actions in the preceding circumstances.

Ddg says:

There are a lot of things wrong with this one. The biggest problem is that the improper actions or lack of actions like this are a daily occurrence at the sheriff's department. Deputies 2 and 3 are senior deputies. What kind of a message does that send to the inexperienced deputies that they are training or the newer street deputies? Why did not Deputy 2 take the proper action and make contact with the suspect when he arrived? Why then did the two senior deputies sit on their collective asses? Simply because they could get away with it and DID! When things like this are tolerated and are the norm, not the exception; this has been going on far too long!

Then to advise another deputy that you are not making an arrest that he requested to be made, words simply fail Ddg at this point in idiocy. Simply because they could. Therein lies the problem that goes right up the chain of command with a lack of proper supervision and leaves itself squarely on longshanks' desk. Will this happen again in the future? Don't bet that it won't.

Ddg asks:

Will someone be disciplined for not doing their job now or in the future? Maybe, depending on if it is someone that does not support longshanks. Remember, it's not what you do or not do, it's who you know or who you........, etc. In the meantime, the Laramie County residents have this type of lack of law enforcement and lack of supervision to look forward to for another four years, compliments of longshanks.

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